Natalja Vikulina is a London-based artist and researcher, working across a variety of disciplines in visual art , including (but not limited to) photography, moving image, installation, drawing, and recently also VR. Her practice addresses such issues as politics of the place, memory and identity. Mixing sometimes idiosyncratic and poetical, sometimes documentary approach, she investigates complex relationships that exist between perception of the objects and its representations, between “the real” and “ the artificial”. Natalja Vikulina actively exhibits both in the UK (Centrala gallery, Birmingham; London Design Festival , Multimedia Anthropology Lab, London, Willesden gallery, London) and internationally (Philosophicum, Basel; National Centre for ContemporaryArt, Nizhny Novgorod; Museum of Public Sculpture, St Petersburg; Shyryaevo Biennial of Contemporary Art, Samara, Baltic Nights International Forum, Riga). She has been an  artist-researcher in residence at the National Centre of Contemporary Art (Nizhny Novgorod , 2016, 2017). Her work has been published in books and catalogues, including recent publications Tragedy in the Corner (Ad Marginem, 2018) and Art Territory of London (Arka, 2020) and features in the collection of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. She also regularly gives artist talks and participates in research conferences.Natalja Vikulina holds an MPhil in Visual Communication from the Royal College of Art. To get in touch please mail: natalja.vikulina[@]

The Fold
Meshes, Creatures and the Ghost of Baroque
Lines of Correspondence
A[rt] Territory of London
Elsewhere/ Invasive species
Starting from Aristotle, philosophers were looking at what distinguishes live mater from non-animated world. Our essence as human beings is characterised by the division of life into vegetal and relational, organic and animal, animal and human. At the same time, since ancient time people were anthropomorphising non-animated nature by projecting their feelings and consciousness on to in-animate nature such as rocks, plants etc; in other words, by “animating” them.
Sense of Place. Landscapes of Nizhny Novgorod. Part II
Out of Place
The project “Out of Place” acts as an archive of stories about the objects brought in UK by the Baltic Russian immigrants. The stories often intersect and overlay each other, and the identity of the place develops through the multitude of voices.
Film, Fine Arts, Sound Design
Fine Arts, Photography
Palimpsests. Re-writing history
Series of prints and drawings exploring themes of memory, history and national identity
Fine Arts
Landscapes of Nizhniy Novgorod
This photo essay was done during my residence in Nizhniy Novgorod and explores subject of memory and identity in the city.
Fine Arts, Photography
Autumn on the Shakespeare Street
Transnational Opera of Objects and People "Shibboleth"
After Careful Consideration
Dainas Reimagined
This is a collaborative project between Natasha Vikulina and Eugene Sysoev done specifically for Riga Poetry Map exhibition
Fine Arts
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